The Barbury Castle crop formation of 1991 (Fig 1) seemed to elicit a strong and often subconscious response in many people.

Early in 1995 Rosemary Barry wrote an article called Fields of Vision in the Dec '94 issue of Fountain magazine. She said that if the pattern of the crop formation was overlaid on a map of southern England and adjusted for size it corresponded with some important sacred sites centred on Avebury. Glenn's work with Earth energies had led him to be living in Avebury at that time and this concept set all the bells ringing. A long phone call to Rosemary that evening set up a meeting at Silbury Hill which became the start of a year's work for a group of us working with this energetic pattern at key power places on the land.
Aquarian Triangle

Fig. 2: The Aquarian Triangle, overlain on map of sacred sites in southern England
The original concept was the Aquarian Triangle (Fig 2) channelled by Tumi who we tracked down as Jon King of Glastonbury. This triangle had Glastonbury, Meon Hill near the Rollrights, and Greatham to the east of Winchester within circles at the apexes and Avebury in the centre. We saw the Barbury Castle formation as a further refinement on the original triangle rather like the latest and more sophisticated version of a computer programme. We felt moved to visit all the key locations identified by this overlaying of the pattern on the landscape and to meditate at the sites and ground Light and Love energy at each place. By visiting each place in the landscape in this way we would create this pattern in the energy grid of England and fix it there by the placement of attuned crystals.
Spiritual Work
To be honest we didn't really know why we felt we should do this, we didn't know what we would be achieving except that because of our intent we would be doing no harm. Our strong intuitive response to the pattern and the idea of doing this work felt like clear spiritual guidance which we needed to follow in trust without having a logical explanation for our actions. Some would call this gullible folly, others a dedicated and committed response to directly received spiritual guidance.

Fig. 3: Diagram of the Barbury Castle crop circle, overlain on map of southern England
When we overlaid the formation on a map (Fig 3) we placed the centre of the bottom left circle over Glastonbury and the centre of the top circular pattern over the Rollright Stones (near Chipping Norton in the Cotswolds) as our two known points (a distance of approximately seventy five miles). We found that this led to the bottom right corner of the triangle being directly over Winchester and the ratchet spiral design overlying the Meon valley. The centre of the whole pattern, which is a circle of approximately fifteen miles diameter appeared to be the Avebury landscape temple and including Barbury Castle itself. Many other well known ancient and sacred sites fall not only within the borders of this pattern but actually are marked out by the lines and intersection points. Some of these are:- Meon Hill, Uffington White Horse, Wayland's Smithy, Old Sarum, Stonehenge, Woodhenge, and Cadbury Castle, not to mention old towns like Bath, Salisbury, Devizes and Warminster.
The story of our work at each site would take more space than is available here so I will recount just a few examples and summarise the important points which came out of it. Firstly it is necessary to mention the numerous synchronicities which accompanied our every visit. One very noticeable one was that for our first three visits, even though different people and different numbers of people turned up, and we never knew beforehand who would, there was always an equal number of men and women at the time of conducting our meditation. On our first visit to Silbury Hill there was an equal number of men and women but one man felt ill in the midsummer sun and stayed in the shade of the car park. As we set up our meditation circle on the top of Silbury another man turned up to join us. When we visited the Rollrights on a cold February morning we started our meditation standing in a circle within the centre of the stone circle with one less man than women. As we finished the meditation and opened our eyes we saw a complete stranger, a man, had joined us and was standing with his hands open and facing the rest of the group to connect with the joint energy. On our visit to Winchester there was one more female than male who after meeting up with us initially got lost moving her car and we never saw her again!
We felt that when such things happened it was an indication that Spirit was working with us and that it was important to pay attention to what we were being shown. It became apparent that an equal sexual balance was required and that our spirit guides were making sure it happened. You will see further on in this story how the lesson of female/male balance was shown to us again and again.
Winchester Reveals Its Secrets
On our initial visit to Winchester we were joined by an Australian woman who was travelling the world, without any money, grounding Light and Spiritual energy as she went. The way the Universe provided for her and her trust in it and belief in the value of the work she was doing was an inspiration to us. How many of us dare to step off the edge of the cliff in complete trust without any obvious means of support? Her contribution to the day was through her channelling. I have to say that I can be extremely sceptical of channelled information, it being of varying degrees of reliability depending on the clarity and integrity of the channel. On this occasion it turned out to be information that we could verify.
Lost Stone Circles
She said that there had been three stone circles where Winchester now stands, the largest of which was on the land occupied for the last one thousand years by the cathedral. This is highly likely as it is well known that the early Christian church was in the habit of placing its churches on venerated Pagan sites in order to suppress the 'old beliefs' and gain a captive congregation. It is also more than likely because stone circles were always located on Earth energy power spots and a visit down into the crypts of the cathedral will leave you in no doubt that there are very strong currents of telleuric force coursing through the earth at this point.
The other two circles, a Fire Circle and a Water Circle she said, were somewhere associated with baths and water. The new Brooks shopping centre seemed a likely candidate as its name implies, and we knew that recent excavations for the foundations had revealed remains of Roman buildings which may well have included baths close to the water supply (the brook). The Romans were renowned for their love of bathing and obsession with cleanliness. As we headed across the town dowsing the energy currents we were led through the Abbey Gardens Park by the statue of King Alfred. There, almost hidden away in a corner by a stream, we came across three sarson stones. Sarson stone is not native to Winchester area and was often used as the stone of choice by the stone circle builders. A little plaque informed us that they had been taken out of the foundations of St. Ruel's church when it was demolished in the 1950s and the street name was given.
Unlikely Sacred Sites
Spurred on in our quest by this physical evidence and hot on the trail of the stone circles we were somewhat gobsmacked to find that the old site of St. Ruel's church is now occupied by a modern building, housing of all things - McDonalds!

Well, it's one way to get youngsters to power spots I suppose. However, stand outside the front door and look across the street and there is the Brooks shopping centre twenty yards away. It seemed to us extremely probable that when St. Ruel's was built in medieval times any stone circles would have been long since abandoned relics ideal as a quarry site for large stones for the new church foundations.
Excitedly scurrying across the busy road, half in the twentieth century and half in the third millenium BCE, we tracked the energy currents through tables of shoppers taking tea in a café area and down into the basement. We were led through the car park and into a service passageway where we found the energy imprint of one of the circles. The energy was awful. I experienced pains in my head and arms and a feeling of nausea in my solar plexus; others in the group felt similarly. Interestingly, as if in warning, there was a red line painted along the middle of the floor. Above our heads hung heating ducts, water pipes and electric cabling. This, added to the damage done to the natural energy flows by such deep excavations, had created an energetic nightmare. To think that this place had once been a revered place of spirituality standing by the banks of a beautiful babbling brook. The thought taxed the imagination to the limit and brought up a great sense of sadness for the harm we have inflicted on Gaia. We determined that we ought to try and improve matters which we did through utilising healing techniques and our intent. We then went in search of the other circle which we found right by the door to the glass-sided lift. This place in contrast felt great, energetic but not chaotic disrupted energy; no, in fact it felt healing and in need of no assistance from us. It seemed sad though that it was in a deserted concrete basement.
All Change
What a surprise greeted us some months later when a couple of us returned to check it out. The Fire Circle in the service passageway was now out of bounds behind an alarmed door on which a sign declared "Fire Door"!
We know it was alarmed because as we opened it the alarm bells rang thunderously throughout the cavernous concrete car park and a security guard came running suspecting that we were terrorist bombers. Unconsciously, the 'authorities' knew that the public needed to be kept away from this disrupted energy spot.

In stark contrast the Water Circle was now beautifully celebrated by a tiled floor mosaic containing images of fish, challices and waves! (Fig 5) It seemed also that a link had been made to the best of the Fire Circle energy by the use of a red and yellow flame pattern and a representation of the sun in the design which had been created by local primary school children under the age of 8! The basement had now been converted into 'The Brooks Experience' a tourist exhibition of life in Winchester in bygone times. Every visitor unknowingly steps into the past through this energetic and healing hot spot as they enter.
What Is Afoot?
McDonalds, shopping centres, tourist attractions; things are not always what they seem. Young children, architects and town planners tapping into some reservoir of collective knowing or spiritual guidance without being consciously aware of it. The traffic roundabouts of Wiltshire have always struck me as an example of this with their central painted disc surrounded by two concentric rings and looking to all the world like the crop formations of which that county regularly receives the most. There were two very important lessons we were being shown here.
Firstly that some unconscious process can operate that allows us to tap into both knowledge and wisdom. It is as if the real agenda of life is going on subconsciously and what we see physically, which we believe as a society is the only true 'reality', is actually like a confused dream in which we are half asleep and most of the time are 'missing the point'. Another way of saying this is that spiritual guidance, either from our own 'higher self' or from external entities, is operating in our lives even if we don't believe in such things.
Secondly that visiting places with an attitude of healing and bringing Light and Love to them has a knock-on effect through other peoples' later actions. This simple statement has incredible ramifications. If true it means that either our 'prayers' are heard and answered or that our thoughts and, more specifically, our intent are far more powerful than we generally acknowledge. This leads into the whole 'creating your reality' debate. My experience from working at sacred sites is that we are co-creators of the Universe and the time is now ready for us to take responsibility for who we really are and fully own our true divinity (in a non-ego way of course). We will return to this discussion in the story of the Fifth Point. I would not make this point if the experience in Winchester were a one-off, but as you will see positive consequences have invariably followed hard on the heels of our 'healing' visits.
Return To The Centre
Using a computer for greater accuracy we were led to believe that the very centre of the overlaid formation was not Avebury itself but East Field. This came as a shock but it seemed appropriate as East Field is the plot of land that has had more crop formations than anywhere else on Earth, and often some of the most stunning each year. Having been working with a crop image to guide us it seemed strangely fitting that the centre should be located here. A group of us made a Beltane visit to both Barbury Castle and East Field, approximately ten miles apart as the crow flies.
Having spent a year working our way round the countryside of southern England fixing this energetic structure into the energy grid of the Earth with many remarkable occurrences, synchronicities, meetings etc. we were anticipating our visit to the heart of the whole matrix with eager enthusiasm and a touch of trepidation. What would we find there? Would we be the first to actually see a crop formation occur before our eyes? Would we have an experience of spiritual enlightenment? Because of the energy build-up might we even spontaneously combust?
We entered the edge of the field with the sun shining and the day feeling very calm. An occasional breeze caught the scattering of red poppies that so beautifully complimented the young green crop of wheat. We sat down on a bank at the edge of the field and waited, and waited. Absolutely nothing seemed to be happening, not even an absence of energy. It was just a day in a field. I was puzzled. All of our visits and work to date had been accompanied by such synchronicities and examples of guidance that we felt sure we were on the right track. Maybe we were wrong and we shouldn't be here. Then I noticed that not everyone was. Members of our group were, one or two at a time, disappearing. It transpired that there was nothing supernatural about this, rather that they were getting bored and were being drawn to a shaded arch of trees that marked the entrance to a half-hidden tree-lined footpath.. None of us knew it at the time but this turned out to be the first stretch of the oldest trackway in Britain, at least 5,000 years old and once considered one of the four royal roads of England.
The Treble Springs
This led us to a little known copse of trees. There was one narrow entrance which led into an overgrown wilderness which contained quite a number of birch and willow trees, considered 'female' energy trees by many authorities. There was also a little stream, serpentine in its course. It was like somewhere from a special summer's day in my half-forgotten childhood when everything was magical and I stepped into the adventure of the next moment with wonder and exhilaration. As we followed the stream we were amazed to find one area of water where the muddy brown bottom of the stream was replaced with an area of whitish 'sand' which was spiralling as water rose from the earth at that point. It was a spring and there was an almost etheric pale greeny-blue light radiating out from this upwelling of water. Periodically bubbles would be released from the ground too and these broke on the surface to become circular ripples. Continuing along the course of the stream we came across another similar spring and at the head of the stream was the third and largest spring. It was only then that we realised what we had been led to. We had been working for a year with a triangular pattern with a circular design at each of the three apexes. Now at the very centre of this pattern, which covers an area of two thousand square miles, there is a natural upwelling of energy from the Earth in the form of a triangle of springs which are visible by circular patterns on the water's surface! (Fig.6)
We were filled with a sense of awe and wonder. If I had orchestrated this storyline I would have chosen an impressing man-made monument like Silbury Hill or Avebury stone circle as the centre point. But, of course, this was perfect! The full significance and meaning of the Treble Springs did not become apparent immediately. It emerged over a series of visits spread over two years. On that first day it was sufficient to know that once again we had been wonderfully guided and that the power at the heart lay in nature.

Fig. 6: The 'Treble Springs'
Balance of Energies
It has emerged over time that we are being shown here a lesson about the balance of 'female'/'male' energies. By 'female' I mean intuitive, emotional, receptive, compassionate, heart-led. By 'male' I mean logical, rational, decisive, active, mind-led. All of us, men and women, have both aspects in us to varying degrees. The Treble Springs felt very 'female' and looked very 'female'. It has a feeling, when the leaves are on the trees and you pass through the one narrow opening, of being lost in a magical glade of birch, willow and rose. As you follow the curving, snaking path and stream, time and space and direction disappear, all reference points to the outside world taken away as you are held in a numinous embrace by the soul of nature herself.
It wasn't until months later on another visit that a group of us were led by enigmatic little piles of sawdust to discover the 'other half' of the springs. We had gone there to visit the Treble Springs but our guidance had other plans for us. The piles of sawdust led past the entrance to the springs into another wooded area on the opposite side of the path. This felt very different. It felt very 'male'. The path was straight. The stream was straight and partially dried up. There were no springs. There were no birch and just one old and knarled willow tree that people automatically referred to as 'he'. There was also an exit at the far end and even a telephone cable running overhead. No otherworldliness here. Someone had even fenced off a small plot as a vegetable garden. It wasn't such an etheric place as the springs, rather far more down to earth and 'ordinary'. It didn't feel unpleasant, it was just very different.
It seems to me that we are being shown a lesson here regarding the way we act in the world. The natural 'male' and 'female' energies here are very different but in perfect harmony and balance. This balance changes with the seasons, the phases of the moon and I suspect day and night as the flow of water and energy ebbs and flows, but a new balance is always created and maintained until the energies fluctuate again according to the cycles of nature. In fact it is always in a dynamic process of change. By contrast we are like the two churches that stand nearby.
The Churches
One of them, with a light 'female' feel, is redundant; its only spiritual purpose for existing having been relegated to the past as storekeeper of the bones of previous generations and a fence erected around them keeping the 'female' energies separate and dead. The church which is used had very unpleasant energy which was sufficient for me to have to drop my dowsing rod to avoid the 'shock' I felt shoot up my arm. This experience was repeated in different forms on several subsequent visits. It too has a fence around it to keep it separate. The two churches are physically very close but not within sight of one another.
The latter church represents our separation from source. It reflects the one-sided purely logical ways of patriarchal societies which are predominant in the world and which the Church has been a key player in maintaining. Intuitive responses, emotional decisions or compassion are viewed as weaknesses and therefore dangerous except in very narrowly defined areas of life. We have been taught since we were little children to develop and value our 'male' side and to ignore our 'female'. The choice of sawdust as a sign could not have been more apt when we realise that sawdust is nature worked on by man; it symbolically represents what we have created through our relationship with nature. Native peoples around the world, most of whom have fallen foul of western colonialism, have nearly always had a harmonious relationship with the Earth by maintaining a balance between their 'male' and 'female' aspects. As such they bequeathed us a healthy world. In contrast we only need to look at the natural world today or our cities to see that we have lost this harmony. Outer disharmony is a reflection of inner disharmony.
All Change Again
Once again we saw positive changes to the site we had been working at. These changes show that things are not always as they seem at first appearance. The nearby villages have had a new main drainpipe laid and I was horrified to see that the ditch being excavated was heading directly towards the springs site. It ended up going straight through the 'male' side of the springs. At first I thought this was a disaster but upon reflection I can't help but see the analogy with our society which has badly needed the 'toxins and waste products', created by unbalanced left-brain thinking, draining away.
On a subsequent visit to the 'female' side I was perplexed to find there were 21 numbered marker sticks. Were some sort of major excavations planned for this fragile ecosystem also? I tracked down the person who had placed them in their positions (on the findings of a dowser) and who was one of a group of guardians who planned as their millenium project to plant yew saplings to convert the springs area into a sacred yew grove which should come to maturity by the time of the next millenium! They intended planting equal numbers of male and female trees with a Golden Irish Yew at the centre.
Initially I thought this was a wonderful idea but as time went by I became more and more concerned. Their use of chemical weedkiller to try and remove the nettles really alarmed me as did their apparently insensitive removal of trees to make way for the new yew saplings. Rose briars and spring flowers they planted failed and died. But of greatest concern was when the nature spirits left. They had always been so present, full of life and communicative, willing to offer information and advice to those who chose to listen. The springs, which are the energetic centre of England, were being abandoned by their natural guardians. The well-intentioned actions of the human guardian group were obviously not in the best interests of this sacred site.
We must always go within for guidance and also consult with the devic and natural world. I am pleased to say that this message got through to the group and the plan for a sacred yew grove was moved to a different location. The springs then went through a lengthy recovery process during which the nettles returned with renewed vigour and completely blocked the path sealing the springs from human visitors. I am pleased to say that the nature spirits have returned and the site is regaining its health once again.
The Way Forward
I believe we are being shown here very clearly how we must change in order to create a healthy future for all. We are being asked to put to one side the belief that we can control our lives and the world by the application of logic alone. By asking for guidance and putting our trust in the creative source, could we make a better job of it? We don't want to go back to the dark days of giving our power away to the church and hoping that God or religion will come to our rescue. No. We are not helpless victims. We need to fully acknowledge the spirit within us. We need to switch back on our own listening apparatus - our intuitive knowing, to guide our conscious rational mind.
Our conscious rational 'male' mind is great at working out how to implement what our intuitive 'female' knowing tells us we need to do.
Avebury was the largest henge and stone circle ever constructed and the centre of an enormous landscape temple in Neolithic times which included such huge and important monuments as Silbury Hill, Merlin's Mound and West Kennet Long Barrow. The stone circle was 400 yards in diameter and it contained two other smaller circles, a solar or 'male' circle and a lunar or 'female' circle. There were originally also at least two stone avenues running for an incredible one and a half miles in each direction. It was probably also connected to Stonehenge nearly twenty miles away. John Aubrey, a seventeenth century antiquarian, on seeing Avebury for the first time stated that it "did as much excell Stonehenge, as a Cathedral does a Parish Church". It would undoubtedly have been the spiritual centre of the Pagan Neolithic culture which flourished in England and western Europe at that time. I mention this to show how important Avebury was. It lies approximately half-way along the powerful earth energy currents called the Michael and Mary lines and sits just downstream energetically from Glastonbury.
Landscape Geometry
Working on a map of the Avebury area one day I noticed that the Treble Springs is exactly the same distance south of Avebury as Barbury Castle is north of Avebury. This led me to draw a circle centred on Avebury with the Treble Springs and Barbury Castle on its circumference. This I have called the Barbury Ring. Furthermore I noticed that the two places marking the start and end of our energy work are connected by the Ridgeway, England's oldest trackway and pilgrim route.
Scanning the perimeter of the circle to see what other places it passed through I was thrilled to see that Merlin's Mound at Marlborough was there on the eastern side. Having done very profound energy work at the Mound I was aware that this was of major significance. I saw from the map that another ancient trackway/earthen bank - the Wansdyke - led off to the west from Marlborough. As I traced its course it curved to the south of Avebury as it headed for the eastern edge of the circle. It met the perimeter at Morgan's Hill ! Merlin and Morgan holding the opposing polarities either side of Avebury. Having been shown the 'male'/'female' issue repeatedly I knew that we were being led to something very important here.
It was some time later when I showed the map to sacred geometer Bill Beuhler of Colorado that he said "Where is the fifth point?" Checking the geometry it was true, the existing four points were distributed around the perimeter of the circle to within a few degrees of being four points of a pentagram. The OS Landranger map indicated that the fifth point should be at the site of the now non-existent medieval village of Bupton. Looking at the larger scale Pathfinder map it showed five springs at Bupton! (Fig 7)
In Search of the Fifth Point
We went in search of the Fifth point. Although we found the springs, a wise old Alder tree shown to us by an owl and a grove centred around a four trunked tree (with a stubby fifth) something was missing. None of us could put our finger on what was missing except that it didn't feel like a power point like all the rest. That evening we decided to seek advice from our source of inner knowing by asking some questions of the pendulum and were given some remarkable answers. It is the fifth point we were told and it isn't a power spot - but it could be! What did that mean? Asking further we were told that it is up to us to create the fifth point. We have been led this far and all the other points are already established power spots, but it is essential that we co-create this one. Spirit needs us to take responsibility for our actions and thoughts and to own our divinity. Spirit cannot act alone, it is up to us to choose if we wish to create this special gateway for spirit to bring in higher vibrational energies into this physical world.
The Avebury Pentagram

Fig. 7: The Avebury Pentagram
A pentagram within a circle was a powerful symbol of protection within the Earth-based wisdom of Wicca. I believe that we can use it as such here, on a personal level to ask for guidance and protection to avoid the pitfalls of fear and ego, and on a collective level to protect the integrity and purity of the energy structure we have activated.
This encircled pentagram sits within the central disc of the original Barbury Castle pattern. (Fig 8) I now believe that the work we started nearly four years ago was laying down the energetic foundations and creating an energy grid which will be fully activated by the installation of this central key. When we did the original Barbury Castle work we envisioned it being a three-dimensional structure, a tetrahedron rising to a peak over the centre. 'As above, so below' would indicate that it extends down into the Earth as well. This makes it a five-pointed structure - a double tetrahedron. This pentagram will establish a five-pointed key at its heart.

Fig. 8: The Barbury Castle crop circle diagram, with the star at its heart
A pentagram has traditionally been used as the symbol for wo/man. Do you recall Leonardo Da Vinci's naked man standing with arms outstretched and legs apart within a circle. If you turn the map of the Avebury area upside down (just as we need to turn our world view upside down) I see the Treble Springs as the head. Merlin's Mound is then the right (male) arm and Morgan's Hill is the left (female) arm. Barbury Castle, where this all first became grounded, is the right leg and our created fifth point at Bupton is the left leg, acting in a physical way to ground spirit into this world. I'll give just a brief outline of each point of the pentagram.
The Treble Springs
We are being shown a very clear example here of how to act in the world in such a way as to be in harmony with the planet on whom we are dependent for our survival as well as how to be healthy in ourselves and our relationships. This is truly the 'head' centre of Da Vinci's homo sapiens with its two distinct sections representing the left and right hemispheres of the brain, making together a balanced whole. It is known that our logical functions take place in the left half of the brain (which controls the right side of the body) and our intuitive and emotional responses come from the right half (which controls the left side of the body).
Merlin's Mound
This is an artificial hill half the height of Silbury Hill and standing within the flood plain of the river Kennet just five miles downstream from Silbury. It was obviously once a very important structure and is the very reason for the existence of Marlborough, the name of which derives from the Saxon for Merlin's hill or splendid hill. It now stands in the grounds of Marlborough College, one of the top public schools in this country, and patronised for the education of their children by royalty, politicians, and business leaders from around the world (it was the first public school in England to go coeducational). The original work I did at Merlin's Mound was about releasing Merlin and Morgan's wisdom back into the world. With hindsight I now realise there could be no better place to release this wisdom than into the hearts and minds of the world leaders of tomorrow.
Morgan's Hill
A natural hill with a remarkable womb-like sanctuary carved out of the hilltop. This is protected by a grove of trees which houses a rookery. The whole place exudes 'female' energy and is a wonderfully gentle example of the natural expression of this energy. It is the perfect compliment to the man-made mound of Merlin. You will not find this listed in the guide books although locals appreciate its qualities. This is quite typical of the unsung 'female' nature.
Merlin and Morgan Together
The story that Morgan robbed Merlin of his wisdom and imprisoned him in a crystal or a cave is a total distortion of the truth; this story being invented and perpetuated down the ages to denigrate and deny the 'female' principle. The reality was that Merlin and Morgan together stored away and hid their true power because the world was coming into dark times and it would have been misused. Merlin's Mound itself fell victim to this as the ancient sacred mound had a military castle built upon it. But it was one of the places where Morgan and Merlin stored this wisdom and energy until we were ready to use it for the benefit of all. It was safely hidden by moving the Michael energy current to bypass the mound and requiring the rediscovery and activation of this pentagram before their secret wisdom could be fully accessed once again. To me it is unimportant whether Morgan and Merlin existed as historical characters, what is important about their story is that their archetypes have been operational throughout history and are still so today. They help explain what is actually happening in the world.
Barbury Castle
At the left foot, this was where spirit first grounded the energies we were to work with. A much under-rated sacred site, it has been the location for some of the most radical crop formations such as the Tree of Life, the Vortex Spiral and, of course, the one we worked with. A large iron-age hill fort, its position is very symbolic giving far-sighted views of our surrounding landscape and affording us the foresight to envision events approaching us. The fact that the Ridgeway does a dramatic 90 degree turn here (the only time along its whole length when it does this) shows that it is a pivotal point from which we can alter direction suddenly and profoundly. This is indeed what I believe will follow the activation of this energetic structure first given to us at Barbury Castle nearly eight years ago.
At the right foot, this has to be where we extend ourselves and ground our own co-creative divinity into our physical world. This requires a show of faith to truly believe in our abilities, self discipline to avoid the call of the fear-based voice of ego, and challenges us to take responsibility for all of our thoughts as well as actions. This is the place of the future. The place where we step into our true power. The mushrooming interest in spirituality, the environment and an open-hearted search for the truth show that the time is now upon us when we are ready to hear this message.
The Message
The message is very simple, that our future health and survival and that of the Earth are dependant upon us using BOTH our logical, rational, action-based 'male' physical energy and our intuitive, receptive, loving 'female' spiritual energy.
When I was seeking guidance about the significance of this work I chose a Tarot card. The card I chose was The Star. It reads:-
"This card represents a beautiful process. Cosmic inspiration of the highest nature is received and made manifest on the material plane. The card is ruled by Aquarius. The medium, or water carrier in this process, is represented by the star goddess Nuith. She is fully open to the input from the spiritual plane, and passes it on in full service to the highest good. She is the channel used by divine energy to manifest on Earth. In each hand she holds a cup through which the spiral vortices of energy pour. Her hair acts as an antenna to extend perception and flows to the earth, carrying with it the inspiration of the cosmic.
"A new, crystal-clear vision lends form and purpose to that which a moment ago was only a vague impression. You gain a more penetrating view into the boundless potential of your development. The power of the inspiration you receive gives wings to your soul and lets the apparently impossible become manifest in marvellous ways.
"A person led by this wisdom exudes such a quality of being, such a radiation, that other people are drawn as if by a magnet. The sheer force of spiritual transformation causes the masks of personality and the limitations of the small 'I' to become meaningless. Stubborn wilfulness and fear can be dropped as the water-bearer gives herself up, more and more, to the workings of the newly-freed spirit."
Glenn Broughton March 1999